Continuous education is a core value of our practice philosophy. Our goal is to remain curious and share our knowledge base and enthusiasm for learning with our community.

What is Holistic Airway Dentistry?

A little known field of dentistry that I’m particularly interested in is called airway dentistry. The mouth serves so many functions in eating, digestion and gut health, but is also plays an important role in taking a breath.

The Dental Diet - How to Eat to Support Your Teeth

The nutrients we consume in our daily lives are the building blocks of our body. A healthy and balanced diet can help support teeth in several ways, some of which act as building blocks, and some help to strengthen the functions that our mouths serve.

Hydroxyapatite - The missing ingredient in your toothpaste

Hydroxyapatite is a mineral that is naturally present in our teeth and bones. It is a form of calcium apatite, a crystalline substance that is the primary mineral component of teeth and bones.

All About Crowns

Throughout life, our teeth take a tremendous amount of wear and tear. Sometimes, the tooth structure can fracture or crack under the stress of a bite. Sometimes, the tooth can also decay over time. To restore the structural integrity, function and appearance of the tooth, we design specialized caps called crowns that also double up and protect the remaining tooth structure.

Dental Ozone 101

In a holistic dental practice, we constantly look for ways to provide best natural practices in dental care, promoting a strong foundation of oral hygiene. Instead of using chemicals to clean areas of the mouth, we now incorporate ozone treatment for many dental services! Current research shows ozone naturally has strong antiseptic properties while still maintaining good health of the tissue in the mouth.

Ayurvedic Approaches to Improved Sleep

For more than 3000 years, a good night's sleep has been recognized as playing a vital role in human health. Ayurvedic medicine, a scientific approach to health originating in ancient India, counts sleep as one of the three core pillars of life; the other two are energy and food. It cites sleep as essential to physical growth, tissue nourishment and repair, immune system health, fertility, logic, memory and longevity.

Vitamins That Help Your Teeth Can Protect Against Covid

The coronavirus pandemic that began in March 2020 provided the health community with significant learning opportunities about disease transmission, risk reduction and most importantly prevention. Mainly, we began to question what possible factors are we able to modify in order to reduce our risk of infection (contracting coronavirus), disease (getting sick from coronavirus), and severity of the infection.

The Power of Mantras

The word mantra is a combination of two Sanskrit words – manas (mind) and tra (tool). Mantras literally mean a tool for the mind and it helps access one’s state of bliss, higher power and one’s true peaceful nature. Mantras when silently recited, chanted or whispered is a powerful meditation and therapy tool.

How Clean Is Your Drinking Water?

How clean is your drinking water? Well, the answer depends on who you ask. The definition of “clean” from The EPA, which is the governing body that decides what impurities are considered unsafe in drinking water. However, substances that have been shown to harm our health are still not on this list.

Gut Feeling: My Experience With Gut Microbiome and Health

Two years ago, something strange happened with my health. At first, I noticed myself losing some weight, feeling more tired than usual, and not feeling as mentally sharp as I usually am. It was right after my wedding, and I was in the start of a new chapter in my life.

Oral-Systemic Connection with Breastfeeding - My Breastfeeding Journey

Over the last few weeks, I have been adjusting to a new role in my life, that of a mother. About a month ago, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I have been very fortunate to have family support while taking on new job titles such as breastmilk chef and human pillow mattress.

Just Take a Deep Breath

Breath: it is the first thing we do at birth, and last thing to go when we leave. During the first few months of life, infants are very much aware and in control of their breathing, however as we age, breathing becomes an unconscious reflex.

Eating for Healthier Teeth

In my study of holistic medicine and lifestyle, I often come across new diets or supplements “guaranteed” to support the body in healing this ailment or that ailment. Much of these diets and supplements attack a heightened level of inflammation in our body, and by reducing that level of inflammation we may be able to curb some chronic disease.

I love you, but… Maintaining Healthy Relationships During the Quarantine

With over six weeks gone by of some level of social distancing and no end in sight, many cohabiting couples and families have had less distractions and spend much more time with each other. Ideally, this would mean great quality time, lots of shared activities and great conversations, etc.

Dental Health Conundrum: Prevention, Treatment, or Both?

In dentistry, we typically see issues that are either preventable, or need a mechanical treatment in order to resolve. But with caries or cavities, it appears it is not as clear cut as once thought.

COVID-19: Physically Distance, Socially Integrate and Connect

This has been a challenging time for all of us, both individually and as a community. This past weekend marked the Persian New Year, which in Farsi is called Nowruz, and was one of the firsts where my family and friends celebrated at a distance.

Benefits of Maintaining Mindfulness During the COVID-19 Outbreak

With the covid19 outbreak prevention hitting full force in the US, it is easy to see why we are getting stressed out- school closures, workplace uncertainty, items unavailable at grocery stores. We have not witnessed an overwhelming amount of TV and social media coverage on a health pandemic before, nor witnessed this scale of closures.

Ozone, the new standard of care?

In a world where we antibiotic resistance is on the rise, the dental community stepped up to look at alternative approaches to ensure good healing and minimizing bacterial infections.

The Top 5 Things to Look For in Your Dentist

With so many practices to choose from, finding a good family dentist can be a difficult process. Ultimately, you want to find someone who can get to know about your health, and that you can go back to time and time again for any issues that come up.

Exploring Unique Benefits of Ayurvedic Medicine in Today's Dental Practice

Ancient medicine, contrary to its name, has shown to be a timeless and important complementary aspect of modern medicine. Aspects from ancient Chinese and Indian medicine continue to fascinate medical and non-medical professionals alike, and their teachings are continuously being incorporated into a complete and holistic approach to care.

Bali's Sensatia Charcoal-Mint Natural Toothpaste

On my recent trip to Bali, an island province of Indonesia, I was captivated by the lush green forests, beautiful blue waters, rich and welcoming culture. I was fascinated by how much importance that Balinese locals placed on health and wellness.

Service in India

During the first two years of undergraduate studies, I volunteered on a dental mission in India, where the team I worked with had a mobile clinic that would provide services to local villages. It was during this experience that I realized the impact I could have on the lives of others through my profession.

Oral Microbiome and Breakthroughs in Preventative Oral Health

I’ve been fascinated for a long time with the body’s microbiome, which are the bacteria and fungal species that live naturally and in harmony with each other and our whole body.

What is Holistic Dentistry?

Holistic dentistry is a comprehensive approach of examining oral health and understanding how it is connected to overall health.

Schedule a visit with your Atlanta Holistic Dentist

We are currently seeing new patients. Please contact our office for any questions or to schedule an appointment.