What is Biocompatible Dental Material Testing?

The majority of dental materials created and used today are completely safe when utilized in dental procedures. However, just because the material is deemed safe for "most" patients does not mean that some individuals will have reactions to the materials being used. In this case, we are able to perform biocompatible material testing before any material is used. We can even test existing materials within the mouth that may be causing other dental and health problems.

Why is Biocompatible Dental Material Testing needed?

If you have allergic reactions to many materials, dental material testing is incredibly important. This gives us an idea of whether or not the material being used is safe for you. In rare cases, a patient may have an allergic reaction to the material being used. These allergies may be specific to the tooth and surrounding gingiva, or it can be more systemic.

Who is a candidate for Biocompatible Dental Material Testing?

We can perform biocompatible testing both before a new material is used during a procedure or if you're experiencing a reaction to a material that has been used. This lets us get an idea of whether or not it is the dental material that's the problem and not something else. If you are experiencing any type of reaction to the materials being used, we offer this testing to any of our patients. It's easy, quick and incredibly beneficial to your overall health.

What happens during Biocompatible Dental Material Testing?

We first have you come into our office for an examination and consultation. We may ask if you've been having any type of reaction to the dental materials recently used in a procedure. We will then take a small sample of tissue to use when testing how compatible it is with the material used. If the tissue biopsy shows signs of a reaction, we may suggest removing the material from your mouth and using something that is better suited to your needs.

If you think youmight benefit from this procedure and want to learn more, call us today and we can answer all of your questions.

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