Welcome to Bloom Holistic Dentistry: Your Home for Clifford Testing in Atlanta

At Bloom Holistic Dentistry in Atlanta, we understand the importance of a healthy smile, and that's why we offer a range of holistic dental services, including Clifford Testing. This service is a non-invasive and effective way to assess your body's reaction to different materials used in dental procedures, such as fillings, crowns, and implants.

What is Clifford Testing?

Clifford Testing is a form of biocompatibility testing that measures how your body responds to various dental materials. During the testing process, small samples of these materials are applied to your skin, and your body's response is monitored. This helps us to identify which materials may cause an allergic reaction or other negative response, so we can avoid using them in your dental procedures.

Why Choose Clifford Testing?

At Bloom Holistic Dentistry, we believe that every patient is unique, and we strive to provide personalized care that meets your specific needs. Clifford Testing allows us to identify any potential sensitivities or allergies you may have to dental materials, so we can create a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.

The Benefits of Clifford Testing

There are many benefits to choosing Clifford Testing, including:

  • Improved accuracy in identifying allergies and sensitivities to dental materials
  • Reduced risk of allergic reactions or other negative responses during dental procedures
  • Personalized treatment plans that are tailored to your unique needs
  • Increased peace of mind and confidence in your dental care

Schedule Your Clifford Testing Today

If you're interested in learning more about Clifford Testing or would like to schedule an appointment with our experienced dentist, Dr. Zahra Punjani, please give us a call at (770) 396-1188. We look forward to helping you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime.

Schedule a visit with your Atlanta Holistic Dentist

We are currently seeing new patients. Please contact our office for any questions or to schedule an appointment.