A Dentist’s Dream! Look what I found in Bali…

On my recent trip to Bali, an island province of Indonesia, I was captivated by the lush green forests, beautiful blue waters, rich and welcoming culture. I was fascinated by how much importance that Balinese locals placed on health and wellness. Upon my explorations, I came across a natural fluoride-free toothpaste that I just had to try!

The company behind this toothpaste is Sensatia, a fairly mainstream Balinese brand of locally made and organic health and wellness products. They are well known and well loved among the locals and tourists alike. For about $10 USD, I picked up a tube and used it twice daily for two weeks straight.

Instead of fluoride, this toothpaste is packed with activated charcoal goodness with a minty fresh flavor, and also contains Kakadu plum extract that is high in vitamin C. Activated charcoal acts as a natural enamel whitener, and generally helps to detoxify the body. Activated charcoal has become an additive in a new trend, from charcoal lattes, to hamburger buns, and even desserts like ice cream and macaroons.

Overall, the product was quite interesting to use. Although it foamed as an eerie dark grey paste, it had a perfectly balanced earthy and minty flavor. It definitely had one of the better textures and flavors I have tried in the natural fluoride-free toothpaste world.

To test the whitening properties, I took some tooth pictures before and after the toothpaste treatment without interrupting my normal diet and one-cup-a-day coffee intake. Overall, I did in fact notice a slightly whiter color, but mostly I enjoyed the flavor and texture experience, especially as it brought back my fond memories of Bali.

You can find the toothpaste and other items with shipping options to the US here: https://sensatia.com/charcoal-mint-natural-toothpaste.html

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to use or review the product.

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